Monday, March 14, 2011

All Heroes Day--San Pedro Carnival Day 3

Day 3 of the San Pedro Town Carnival was for the adults.  The merchants on Front Street got ready

“The aim of the game is to "paint" as many people as possible - a custom rooted in a tradition of disguise and role transformations.  The centre of the town throngs with street dancers known as comparsas and prizes are awarded to the best dancers.  Most of the local dignitaries dress up in drag and win these prizes.”

Most people had paint in bottles and cans and everyone in the vicinity was in danger of being covered. 

Fortunately Gail and I were able to stay out of the line of fire.

There were pickup trucks hauling huge speakers blaring recorded music supplemented by people playing live music through the streets.

The pickup trucks would stop and play music while the people danced behind them.

Many of the dancers were men dressed as women.

The pickup trucks would then move down the street a few yards.  They had to unplug the extension cord that was bringing power to the music equipment in the bed of the truck and find another place to plug it in.
It was a wonderful festival with everyone having a lot of fun.  It was like Mardi Gras except without alcohol.  I did not see a single person drinking during the entire time we were watching. 

We had not yet been painted so we decided to leave before the judging and not take any chances.

It was a fun and interesting evening.

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