Thursday, January 6, 2011

Housing Part III--Not so Good

Unfortunately, among all of these homes that are relatively nice, there are a large number that are not.  They are much too common and, like any place else, you wonder how people can have a life in conditions like this and still be happy.  But, they are happy and they do smile and they do enjoy what they have.

Quite a large number of people have their living quarters in the same structure as their businesses.  This is especially true of the downtown, but also in some of the neighborhoods.  This gentleman has a small repair shop and his family lives upstairs.

There are also a lot of people on the island who earn a living fishing.  They keep their boats right on the shore.
 and they live there also.
Quite often there are no yards so the kids play in the street.
But, in the end, people don’t miss what they never had and they learn to make the most of what they do have.  The attitude here does not seem to be one of always trying to get more but just being happy with what you have.

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