On land, the variety of “other” types of vehicles is endless, including the one person Segways.
One of the major categories of vehicles is those used for business. Even the motorcycle has been transformed into a delivery vehicle.
We have soda, water, and beer delivered to our condo. It doesn’t cost any extra and we just couldn’t manage on our bicycles. I guess many people and businesses also have these delivered, because you see the wagons on the street all the time.
This is a hot water tank being delivered.
The major export from Belize is mahogany. Not only is it exported but it is the wood of choice here and is used for everything.
There are a lot more motorized vehicles here on the island than we thought there would be. However, there is a limit on how many are allowed and it is very difficult to get permission to bring on anything new unless you eliminate something old. Just like they do not allow any “chain” restaurants here, like a McDonald's or Burger King, they are trying to maintain the ambiance of the island by limiting the number of vehicles—and that’s a good thing.
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