Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another Sunday Afternoon

We decided to ride our bicycles downtown this afternoon.  We skipped “Crazy Cannuks” horse shoe contest and went on down to the center of town to just walk the beach.  They were cleaning fish and the stingrays were hanging out getting fed.

There are a pretty large number of hotels and condos that are beginning to fill up with people.  None of them are big—they are limited to three stories high—but some are unique and have that beach motif.  One is called the Conch Hotel.

There are a lot of swimming pools right on the beach and docks with palapas and bars everywhere.

 and boats, boats, boats.
We stopped at a place called Fidos (pronounced Fee-doze) to listen to some live music and have a Belekin Beer.  (We had dinner there the other night and enjoyed it.)

Then it was home to enjoy another great sunset and watch Amazing Race.

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